10 years and hundreds of books later here are 3 supreme tips for you
To live a better life
Straight to the point:
Humans are machines. We act like robots and everybody has the same features. One of them is the easiness that we fall into comfort zone. When we get there we just don’t want to get out anymore.
It can be on our jobs, relationships and dreams. The only way we can avoid this situation is by setting goals.
I’m not even talking about life changing goals, I’m talking about easy to reach objectives. Things like:
I’ll read a book this month.
I’ll go to the gym 3 times this week.
I will finish a new course this month.
Simple but fair goals. This type of goal can keep us moving and motivated to move forward. If you commit to them you’ll be much more focused in life and will be much easier to get thing done consistently.
As soon as you get used to set goals when needed, greater achievements can be set and a greater life can be lived.
Our body isn’t made to stay sit all day. Our mind isn’t ready to deal with all the day by day stress. The balance mind-body is far gone.
For a long time we were animals trying to find food and a safe place to sleep.
Things changed but not our body. Exercises has so much impact on our body that we are able to be healthier, more willing and less stressed with just a few hours of exercise a week.
It’s not me saying it, studies and research are.
Remember, you don’t need to be the next Mr. Olympia to be considered in good shape. The idea is to move your body, get fluids running and guarantee a de-stress activity for you mind.
The results are: better performance both physically and mentally.
This one is so easy and simple but still has so much impact…
Have a notepad and a pen everywhere with you and take notes. Ideas, insights, funny situations, everything you find interesting, just take notes.
It needs to be with a pen and a paper because our brain works and processes the information in a more complex way while we write things down.
Doing the same thing in a keyboard doesn’t have the same impact because you’re not actually writing, you’re just touching buttons. Your mind deal with the info in a totally different manner.
Using this technique in classes is also a great life hack that may save you many hours of study for tests because the information will stick in your mind easily.
That’s it! I just saved you 10 years of reading. I think I deserve a clap and a follow!