The unbeatable Coca-Cola marketing
Coke isn’t just a soda anymore, it became a brand
Everyone knows that Coke is a beverage giant. It is impossible, regardless of any personal taste you may have, that Coke is not in your top 3 of your favorite soft drinks.
Their marketing team has been doing jaw-dropping jobs for a long time. Who has never been touched by the Christmas campaigns or got thirsty to see the refreshing commercial that Coke shows during trailers at the movie theater?
The result is so effective that any commercial of the brand can be recognized without even mentioning the name of the company. Whether by the striking red color, the captivating soundtrack, or even the style of the images used there is always an element that our brain unconsciously says to itself: "Ah, this is a Coke commercial."
And we finish watching carefully to find out what was the interesting focus point this time. And we never get disappointed.
Anyone who’s in the advertising business or even more attentive people already realized that Coke has no concern in selling the beverage directly. It often appears at a glance. They prefer to sell happiness, fraternity, joy … The magic of living good times.
And good times require a nice and cold Coca-Cola.
All of this is rooted in our minds. Nobody deals with such thoughts daily. Nobody buys Coca-Cola because of a catchy commercial. But it is all there, in our subconscious. Merits for them!
And all of this allows Coca-Cola to launch interesting campaigns. This one which ran exclusively in Europe decided to play a game with the customers. They have so much confidence in their brand that they are promoting ads with almost no elements to be seen.
Traditional red, along with the design and placement of words, automatically cause us to see the well-known bottle in the image. And there is no other reaction than to smile mischievously.
For those who don't know, the ad is making use of Gestalt, also known as "theory of form". The theory says that to understand parts, it is first necessary to understand the whole. A clear example is in that image. It's not just about letters on a red background, it's much more than that, and we’re able to understand it thanks to the brand's excellent marketing work over the years.
Basically, this campaign throws in our face that all commercials, all Coca-Cola campaigns, and strategies have worked.
And very few companies can create a campaign like this without getting embarrassed or losing money.
Hello! I must say that I’m Brazilian and my English is not in its perfect shape, but I hope the reading was of fully understanding.